Welcome to the blog of Lara Williams

Mrs. Bixby, Oklahoma America 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What a trip?!

What an amazing journey the last 6 months has been?! It is quite unbelievable for me to see the growth I have experienced over the last 7 months! I have enjoyed every moment of being Mrs. Bixby! I have been able to become an active member of the Bixby Rotary Club, the Bixby Optimist Club, the Bixby Chamber of Commerce and other outreach organizations throughout the Bixby/South Tulsa area! I have been able to meet and speak into the lives of many girls through my platform, Beautiful You, Inc. Some of my best friends are under 12! : ) I have definitely excelled in "on the spot" public speaking. That has taken a bit of work, but I have managed to lose the lip quiver and teeth chatter! : ) I have met some amazing mentors along the way; April Mary of Faccia Bella, Frankie Simmons-North of Frankies Girls, Libby Michelle, Mrs. California United States, Missy Briggeman, Mrs. Oklahoma America 2009, Sueanne Winn of Winn Wear Designs and many, many more. I have seen my immediate family and best friend, Erin Webb, come together to support and love me, and of course help me with my crazy brood of children. My extended family has donated time and money to my platform and my "adventure!" My friends, Life Group, church and community have surrounded me with love and support as well! Looking back at the past six months, I am proud of my accomplishments and feel like I was the best "me" I could be! I couldn't have been the best "me" without some very instrumental people! This title has been an amazing blessing to me! I daily thank God for giving me this amazing blessing. I pray that he will continue to stretch me in areas where I am not comfortable! After all, that's where His greatest work is done! Thank you to everyone, you know who you are, who has encouraged me with life giving words, given generously of your time and donations and to each and every one of you for believing in me! Being named Mrs. Oklahoma would be an amazing honor for anyone, but the best honor is serving Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Am I that outta shape or is this one heck of a workout?!?!

After having 5 kids, things just don't look like they used to so I decided to start a local bootcamp. I joined Tulsa Adventure Bootcamp for Women and attend three days a week; Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:45. I have just finished my first week and I am in so much pain! The bootcamp trainer, Clint, is hard core. It is 45 minutes to 1 hour of non-stop, hard working out. I have left three times thinking I am either really out of shape or this is a killer workout. From the looks of the chicks around me, it is a killer workout! They look just as exhausted as me excluding a few of the hard core girls and of course Clint who just gets to instruct us along the way. : ) He's not mean or discouraging but he does push you to the limit. He guarantees results and I can't wait to see some! If you are interested in losing weight, gaining strength and/or toning, then I highly recommend you check it out at http://www.adventurebootcamptulsa.com.

My first photo shoot...

It's amazing what seeing yourself in a great photo will do for yourself confidence! Last week, I had my hair and make up done by the amazing Faccia Bella (April Mary and Dixie) and then had a photo shoot with Jesse Reich Photography. I had so much fun and felt beautiful! Here are a couple of the pics...

For your next event....Check out http://www.facciabella.biz/ and love your make up!

For your next photo session...Check out http://www.jessereich.com/ and love your photos!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I have to admit...

Well, I must admit that this Mrs. Oklahoma pageant is somewhat intimidating. Yesterday, I received the 2009 and 2010 program books in the mail. I began to flip through and with each page felt more and more imperfect. I looked at those girls and thought wow, they look perfect! I am NOT perfect. I have freckles, random gray hairs, poor vision, obvious signs that I have had 5 children (if you know what I mean), scars from falls I have taken throughout my life and just the wear and tear a person has from LIFE. I began to think about the scoring and said to myself well, thank God the interview portion is 50%. Then, I remembered my platform, which is helping girls and young women to see that true beauty and worth comes from the inside, not the outside. 1 Peter 3:3-4 says Do not let your adorning be external, the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear-but let your adorning be the inner person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. I am very thankful for that truth and will be keeping my eye on the prize, which is reaching the hurt and lost. I am so excited to take this journey and hopefully change the lives of others.

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is greatly to be praised. Proverbs 31:30

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Becoming Mrs. Bixby, Oklahoma America 2011

I had decided some time ago that I wanted to participate in a Mrs. pageant. I knew I had a passion to change the life of girls, young women and women of all ages, due to my own personal experiences. Knowing this, I really did not know how to set that into motion. I began praying over a year ago, without telling anyone, about participating in the Mrs. Oklahoma pageant in hopes of getting some clear answers. My best friend, Erin Webb, came to me about 6 months ago and told me Jesus had been leading her to start a foundation called Beautiful You. This foundation is meant to inspire and teach girls and young women the true meaning of beauty and encourage them to rise above any and all circumstances to see their true worth and value. It was perfect! I waited awhile to tell her that I was going to apply to do Mrs. Oklahoma and "marry" my platform with her foundation. After telling her, I applied and prayed, knowing this is where God had been leading me. I was accepted and named Mrs. Bixby, Oklahoma 2011. I am so very honored with this title and hope to change the lives of the people around me. I would love for you to follow my journey on here as well as on my Facebook page.