Welcome to the blog of Lara Williams

Mrs. Bixby, Oklahoma America 2011

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Am I that outta shape or is this one heck of a workout?!?!

After having 5 kids, things just don't look like they used to so I decided to start a local bootcamp. I joined Tulsa Adventure Bootcamp for Women and attend three days a week; Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:45. I have just finished my first week and I am in so much pain! The bootcamp trainer, Clint, is hard core. It is 45 minutes to 1 hour of non-stop, hard working out. I have left three times thinking I am either really out of shape or this is a killer workout. From the looks of the chicks around me, it is a killer workout! They look just as exhausted as me excluding a few of the hard core girls and of course Clint who just gets to instruct us along the way. : ) He's not mean or discouraging but he does push you to the limit. He guarantees results and I can't wait to see some! If you are interested in losing weight, gaining strength and/or toning, then I highly recommend you check it out at http://www.adventurebootcamptulsa.com.

My first photo shoot...

It's amazing what seeing yourself in a great photo will do for yourself confidence! Last week, I had my hair and make up done by the amazing Faccia Bella (April Mary and Dixie) and then had a photo shoot with Jesse Reich Photography. I had so much fun and felt beautiful! Here are a couple of the pics...

For your next event....Check out http://www.facciabella.biz/ and love your make up!

For your next photo session...Check out http://www.jessereich.com/ and love your photos!